We donate 20% of all profits made from our existing assessments to green initiatives worldwide.
Yes, you read that correctly. We realize that climate change, collapsing ecosystems, deminishing biodiversity, and all the other environmental catastrophes of our time are a real and present threat. We also believe that it's time that businesses started playing a more active role in bringing the world to a better state. With this in mind, we're stepping up and leading the way by delivering 20% of our profits from existing assessment products to responsible, effective, green initiatives world-wide.
We will always strive to learn about and implement renewable and sustainable solutions in our operations.
We are trying to operate as green as we can. With this in mind, we are taking action to learn about the many ways that we can go about fulfilling this goal. For example, we may offer digital products and we recognize that the internet is actually one of the biggest global poluters today. With this in mind we have partnered with GreenGeeks web hosting which replaces 3 times the energy they use with renewable energy credits and will plant a tree for every hosting account that registers with them. We realize it's not perfect, but it's a step in the right direction. Humanity has a long journey to walk in a short period of time, in this regard. We are no exception.
We are committed to operating as flexibly as possible to allow our employees and partners the freedom they deserve to maximally live their lives.
Flex-work - also known as remote work - has many benefits for the working public, particularly with roles (or aspects of roles) that don't require a physical presence to any specific location. The most comprehensive literature reviews that have been performed investigating the subject including data from 46 studies in natural settings involving 12,883 employees has shown that remote work has generally beneficial effects on employees and organizations themselves. This research indicates that Remote work increases employee's sense of autonomy, job satisfaction, and overall performance and decreases work–family conflict, turnover intent, and role stress while having no generally detrimental effects on the quality of workplace relationships. Even when taken to the extreme, working remotely more than 2.5 days a week, although there may be some degradation in work-relationships with coworkers the benefits of remote work were actually found to be further accentuated.
These are all reasons why we believe that it's worth it to operate as flexibly as possible. We believe everyone should be able to maximize their time away from work and not spend it commuiting long hours or being forced to sit in an office for no other reason than to be micromanaged. We believe that people should have strong boundaries between their work and the rest of their lives because boundaries are healthy and the health of our people should come first.
Gajendran, R. S., & Harrison, D. A. (2007). The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: Meta-analysis of psychological mediators and individual consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(6), 1524–1541. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.92.6.1524
We are committed to using evidence-based methods - methods that are demonstrably more effective than non-evidence-based methods - in our operations.
We strive to operate in accordance with the best available critically appraised evidence. We consider peer reviewed research, expert advice, organizational data, and stakeholder evidence in our operations. When we don't have access to the highest standard of evidence, we will work with the limited evidence at hand and supplement it by “learning by doing” - systematically assessing the outcomes, implications, and consequences of our practice.
You may be wondering how this makes the world a better place... By using the highest-quality of available evidence it drives better outcomes for organizations, their members, their clients, and the general public. By considering the evidence we're striving to reach a higher standard of operational ethics that delivers better results more safely to everyone that our work touches.
We are committed to trying to bridge the researcher-practitioner gap through our operations.
Scientists and practitioners have a long history of not seeing eye to eye. We're hoping to change that. We realize the value of science and know that businesses and the people that comprise them and interact with them are better off when organizations operate on the basis of evidence. We also know that researchers believe that their work would best be applied to better the lives of billions worldwide. Academics have had good historical reasons to be wary of businesses that seemingly be willing to sacrifice anything in order to earn a profitus. Businesses have had good historical reasons to doubt the knowledge put forward by academics. So, in order to get academics and practitioners onboard, bridges need to be built and olive branches need to be extended either way.
You may be wondering how this makes the world a better place... but upon realizing the fact that the most brilliant insights of our age often wind up sitting around collecting dust rather than being used to help improve humanity we are motivated to do something about it. With this in mind we want to be known as a science-friendly, academic-welcoming organization that is interested and willing to partner with both businesses and academics to tackle problems and better understand our universe.